28 Desember 2012

what a tiring day!

written by agustin sarah wanti on 17.16
hari ini super duper capekkkkk menurutku -_,-

ya gimana gak capek dari pagi sampe sekarang kerjaan masih numpuk. awal ceritanya hari ini bisa capek itu soalnya di kantor orang orangnya pada cuti semua kan secara sekarang tanggal 28 Desember kan emang tanggalnya orang orang lagi pengen liburan, dan alhasil jengjengjeng aku yg merangkap kerjaan mereka. mulai dari stock opname, transfer uang ke bank, trus kerjaan di meja juga pada ngantri ma aku kerjain. ah capek bener bener capek (ih gak banget kamu wan gini aja ngeluh!!!)

dari pagi jebret di kantor langsung naruh tas dan lihat absen takut kalo aku telat ternyata alhamdulillah aku di absenin sm partner aku hihi^^ trus abis ngerjain buku kas kecil, si koko andre minta bantuan aku kalo aku disuruh stock opname di supermarket mall bali galeria, bali deli, casa gourmet, coco mart, gelael supermarket. bisa kebayang kan 5counter di kerjain stock opnamenya dalam 1hari gileeeeeeeeee itu kan kerjaannya SPG pdhl aku kan bag.accounting woyyy accounting! -_- tapi yaaaah terima aja deh, secara koko andre minta bantuannyaa dengan cara halus bgt jadi gak tega ya kan buat nolak hiksss
dan sekitar jam 10.30an WITA aku sm bli jana sang supir pun cussss ke mall bali galeria, disitu kita stock opname trus ke coco mart di daerah nusa dua pertokoan bali collection yg tempatnya bagussssss bgt :3 trus abis dr mall bali galeria dan coco mart aku sm bli jana pun makan siang yg murah meriah tapi mewah wkwk
nah hbs dr makan siang kita pun bergegas ke bank BCA untuk setor uang tagihan dari para customer hikssss padahal ini kan kerjaannya kolektor. sekali lagi, aku kan accounting woyyyy accounting! -_-
nah trus hbs dari bank BCA kita ke gelalel supermarket itu ngelanjutin stock opname yg ngebeteinnya minta ampun, nah dari tempat tempat yg aku dimintain tolong sama koko andre itu akhirnya yg terlampaui cuma 3 tempat brooooo yg 3 tempat lainnya gak sempat hihi
yahhh udah nyampe kantor aku terus bergelut sm kerjaanku yg udah pada ngantri minta aku kerjaain. miris lihat mejaku ada buanyak tumpukan kertas kertas dokumen yg aku pun enggan ngerjainnya karena capek seharian keliling bali untuk ngerjain tugas yg seharusnya bukan tugas aku (ngeluh lagiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -_-)
dan akhirnya apa, aku pun LEMBUR!!!!!! ya, aku hari ini lembur ingin kerjaanku beres karena ehem ehem besok mau cusss surabaya selama seminggu penuh coyyyy ketemu my prince :3
udah gitu aja sih, lebay ya gitu aja ngeluh hehe tapi coba kamu yg baca ini ngelakuin tugas kyk aku tadi uuuuuuuuuh pasti gerah panas laper campur jadi satu! (tuh kan, ngeluh terus. alay)

26 Desember 2012

H-5 Anniversary

written by agustin sarah wanti on 11.42
terimakasih karena 24 bulan belakangan ini kamu sudah menjadi yang terbaik

terimakasih karena kamu sudah membuat lebih banyak warna di hidup aku

terimakasih karena kesabaran kamu menghadapi aku membuat aku lebih mengerti arti 'sayang'

terimakasih karena kamu tidak hanya ada disaat aku senang tapi juga selalu ada disaat aku butuhkan 

terimakasih karena kebijaksanaan kamu membimbing aku menjadi aku yang lebih baik

terimakasih karena bersama kamu, aku lebih mengerti makna kesabaran, pengorbanan dan kesetiaan

terimakasih karena kamu tidak hanya seorang pacar bagi aku tapi juga seorang teman,sahabat,saudara bahkan musuh sekalipun

terimakasih karena kamu telah membuat aku semakin dewasa menghadapi hidup

terimakasih karena kamu mau menerima aku dan keluarga aku apa adanya

dan.......... ribuan terimakasih lainnya karena sampai detik ini kamu masih bersedia menyayangi aku dan keluarga aku :)

i love you, khib <3

20 Desember 2012


written by agustin sarah wanti on 12.49

We've been together for a while now
We're growing stronger everyday now
It feels so good and there's no doubt
I will stay with you as each morning brings sunrise
And the flowers bloom in springtime
On my love you can rely
And I'll stay with you

Oh I'll stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I'll stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arrive I will stay by your side
I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you

Though relationships can get old
They have the tendency to grow cold
We have something like a miracle
Yeah, and I'll stay with you

Oh I'll stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I'll stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arrive
I will stay by your side
I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you

And there will be heartaches and pains, yes it will
But through it all, we will remain
In this life, we all know
Friends may come, and they may go
Through the years I know
I will stay
And in the end I know that we'll find
Love so beautiful and divine
We'll be lovers for a lifetime, yeah
And I'll stay with you
I will stay with you

Oh I'll stay with you through the ups and the downs
Oh I'll stay with you when no one else is around
And when the dark clouds arrive
I will stay by your side
I know we'll be alright
I will stay with you
Everything will be fine
And I will stay with you
Through the end of time I will stay with you

terimakasih nakhib, buat semua kasih yang udah dibagi ke saya selama ini 
semoga semakin hari kita semakin saling mengasihi yaa. love u!

12 Desember 2012

collection of quotes merry riana :)

written by agustin sarah wanti on 10.23

Hujan turun, tanpa pandang bulu. Matahari bersinar, tanpa pandang bulu. Kesempatan pun tersedia, tanpa pandang bulu.
Hujan besar itu seperti tantangan hidup. Tidak perlu memohon supaya hujan berhenti, ckp memhn spy payung kita bertambah kuat.
Hindarilah mengeluh. Ketika kita mengeluh, kita akan lupa untuk bersyukur.
Biasakan untuk selalu menyelesaikan apa yg telah Anda mulai.
Hidupmu mungkin tak sesuai dengan rencanamu. Namun slm itu sesuai dgn rencana Tuhan, sebnrnya hdpmu sdh terencana dgn baik.
Hidupkan rasa syukur dalam setiap pencapaian kecil dan berharaplah itu akan merujuk pada kesempatan besar :)
Hidup yang penuh dengan keluhan akan terasa sempit.
Hidup yang dipenuhi rasa ragu tidak akan membawamu ke manapun.
Hidup mungkin penuh dengan masalah. Tapi selama kamu memberikan yang terbaik & terus berdoa, segalanya akan indah pd wkt-Nya.
Ada 2 tipe orang ketika ditanyai kesanggupannya. Yang ke-1: "Bisa Pak, tapi sulit." Yang ke-2: "Sulit Pak, tapi bisa." Anda yg mana? :)
Biasakan menyapa dengan semangat agar seluruh energi tersengat untuk mendapat sukses & bahagia.
Anak kecil belajar sesuatu dengan mencoba, melakukan kesalahan, dan belajar dari situ. Mungkin kita perlu bljr spt ank kcl.
Ada 1 cara yang dijamin 100% bisa menghindari kegagalan, yaitu dengan tidak melakukan apa-apa. :)
Berani Mimpi, Berani Bekerja, Berani Sukses, Berani Jatuh, Berani Bangkit Lagi!
Biarkanlah luka yang tertoreh di kanvas hatimu, karena itu sebagai bukti bahwa kamu telah tegar dalam hidup ini.
Berkat sering datang dalam bentuk kesakitan dan kekecewaan. Tetapi jika kita sabar, kita akan segera melihat bentuk aslinya.
Apakah kamu kalah atau tidak bukanlah ditentukan dari brp kali kamu jth, tp dr apk kamu tetap bangkit setiap kali kamu jth.
Daripada bilang 'Aku tdk punya wkt', lbh baik blg 'Aku akn atur wktnya.' Kalau hal itu bnr2 penting, pasti selalu ada waktu.
Biarkan semua yang telah terjadi menjadi satu kenangan. Yang membuatmu lebih dewasa dan lebih kuat!
Berjuanglah untuk orang-orang yang kita sayangi. Sungguh, dengan demikian, semangat kita akan senantiasa berkobar.
Beranjaklah ke atas. Jangan biarkan hidup Anda mengalir seperti air, karena air mengalir ke bawah, bukan ke atas.
Banyak orang yang berharap kamu menjadi ini atau itu, tapi yang paling penting adalah harapanmu sendiri terhadap dirimu.
Ambil resikonya. Jika hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan apa yang Anda harapkan, paling tidak Anda sudah berusaha dan mencobanya. Semangat!!!
Jika mau sukses, hilangkan mental block didlm pikiranmu (Mental Block: Perasaan takut akan sesuatu yg seharusnya tidak perlu ditakuti).
Berani Mimpi, Berani Bekerja, Berani Sukses, Berani Jatuh, Berani Bangkit Lagi!

05 Desember 2012


written by agustin sarah wanti on 09.43

entah kenapa semenjak LDR jd suka bgt sm lagu wish u were here ini, padahal yaaaa dulu gak seberapa lho hihi skrg jd favourite :3

I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, It's not like that at all

Theres a girl who gives a shit
Behind this wall
You just walk through it

And I remember all those crazy thing you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here.

I love the way you are
It's who I am don't have to try hard
We always say, Say like it is
And the truth is that I really miss

All those crazy thing you said
You left them running through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here.

No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
Let go, Oh, Oh,

No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you know
That I never wanna let go
Let go, Let go, Let go...

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Here, Here, Here
I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
Near, Near, Near
I wish you were here

ini a thousand years ya gimana ya, aku banget pokonya! <3  cekidot!

Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid
To fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday
waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

Time stands still
beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything
Take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died everyday
Waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

And all along I believed
I would find you
Time has brought
Your heart to me
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died everyday
Waiting for you
DarlinG don't be afraid,
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more

And all along I believed
I would find you
Time has brought
Your heart to me
I have loved you for a
Thousand years
I'll love you for a
Thousand more


kyaaaaa lagu ini favorite bgttt meskipun didenger sampe headset jebol pun gak bakal bosen denger lagu ini! so romantic :3 cekidot!

I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do
I wanna hold you close
Under the rain
I wanna kiss your smile
And feel the pain
I know what’s beautiful
Looking at you
In a world of lies
You are the truth

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I’ll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I’m shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

I wanna make you see
Just what I was
Show you the loneliness
And what it does
You walked into my life
To stop my tears
Everything’s easy now
I have you here

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I’ll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I’m shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

In a world without you
I would always hunger
All I need is your love to make me stronger

And baby
Everytime you touch me
I become a hero
I’ll make you safe
No matter where you are
And bring you
Everything you ask for
Nothing is above me
I’m shining like a candle in the dark
When you tell me that you love me

You love me
When you tell me that you love me

entah kenapa selalu adem kalo denger lagu ini :')  cekidot!

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line

Miles away from those I love
Purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you 
Is to hold her when I'm not around
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again, oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
And all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around, 
When I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
When hope begins to fade... 

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love 
Hope is hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
To hold her when I'm not around, 
When I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again...

fifth, KANGEN - DEWA 19

ini lagu dalem lhoooooooooooo

Kuterima suratmu, t'lah kubaca, dan aku mengerti
Betapa merindunya dirimu, akan hadirnya diriku
di dalam hari-harimu, bersama lagi

Kau bertanya padaku, kapan aku, akan kembali lagi
Katamu kau tak kuasa, melawan gejolak di dalam dada
yang membara menahan rasa, pertemuan kita nanti
Saat kau ada disisiku

Semua kata rindumu semakin membuatku, tak berdaya
menahan rasa ingin jumpa
Percayalah padaku akupun rindu kamu
Ku akan pulang ... melepas semua
kerinduan, yang terpendam

Kau tuliskan padaku, kata cinta, yang manis dalam suratmu
Kau katakan padaku, saat ini, ku ingin dalam pelukmu
dan belai lembut kasihmu, takkan kulupa selamanya
Saat bersama dirimu

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