08 Februari 2013


written by agustin sarah wanti on 11.56
like the title I HATE CHEMISTRY

i don't know everything about chemist, i don't like chemist, and i don't know why?

i am trying to like chemist but i can't

i want to understand about chemist but i can't too

why chemist must be studied?

i think chemist is unimportant thing that we must studied 

maybe my teacher and my friend trying to help me but it can't help me at all

i like another thing outside chemist but i hate chemist

i want to cry if i can't do my chemist test

but now i want to say "don't give up" 

there is another chance

i must try try and try 

i must hard study about chemist and everything

i want to be a good person 

i have a high spirited for everything that i wanna do

nb : maaf ya bahasa inggrisnya kacau -,-

07 Februari 2013

Malang - Jawa Timur

written by agustin sarah wanti on 15.49
entah knp gitu pengen nulis aja tentang "Malang". yap, tiba tiba kepikiran kota Malang jadinya pengen nulis tentang malang *mbulet*

ini kota jadi kota impian dan favorit aku bangetttttt, entahlah aku cintaaaaaaaa bgt sm kota ini!
menurutku malang ini romantis! sampai sampai aku sama nakhib punya impian kalo someday bakal punya rumah di malang trus hidup disana uuuuuuhhhh awesome bgt lah itu menurutku :3

sejuk! what do you think? emg bener kan malang sejuk?? yaaa meskipun sekarang banyak yg bilang kalau malang udah gak se-sejuk dulu tp bodo amat aku tetap cinta sm kota ini :3

ada lah ya pokonya something yg bikin aku sm nakhib cintaaaaa bgt sm kota ini hihi 


jatim park 1


Batu Night spectacular! <3

aaaaaa msh banyak lg sebenernya tp koneksi lg lemot bgt jd mls browsing -____-
intinya i love malang and you! <3

one day, we'll live together in the city ya khib <3<3<3

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