08 Februari 2013


written by agustin sarah wanti on 11.56
like the title I HATE CHEMISTRY

i don't know everything about chemist, i don't like chemist, and i don't know why?

i am trying to like chemist but i can't

i want to understand about chemist but i can't too

why chemist must be studied?

i think chemist is unimportant thing that we must studied 

maybe my teacher and my friend trying to help me but it can't help me at all

i like another thing outside chemist but i hate chemist

i want to cry if i can't do my chemist test

but now i want to say "don't give up" 

there is another chance

i must try try and try 

i must hard study about chemist and everything

i want to be a good person 

i have a high spirited for everything that i wanna do

nb : maaf ya bahasa inggrisnya kacau -,-

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